The Pastor's Corner
Mark C. Minney
December, 2010
"O LORD, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living waters." (Jeremiah 17:13).

There seems to be one thing that most Christians with their eyes open today agree on, and that is that since the first blood was shed to gain our independence from England, we have never been so close, as we are now, to losing these precious blood-bought privileges that we seem to take so lightly today.

Different groups have different ways to peacefully put pressure on our Congress and President to reconsider some of the dangerous and potentially destructive things they have done and start doing those things which are good for America. I have nothing against helping our neighboring nations, or those far off, but our first consideration must be our own nation. The last thing we need is a president who travels near and far apologizing for America, bowing to the Saudi king, and putting America down in the eyes of other nations. His goal seems to be to exalt Islam, while bashing America and Christianity. I think he has forgotten who he is supposed to be representing. We have a Congress in general and a President who are more concerned about the rights of illegal aliens. The term implies that they have entered the country illegally, so that makes them criminals. They have broken our immigration laws. Since they are criminals, and are not American citizens, they have no constitutional rights, only human rights. There should never be any consideration of amnesty to those who have entered the country illegally. Let them go though the same immigration channels that others have, and let them begin to learn English. There never should have been any public schools accommodating the language of illegals. If they want to enjoy the freedoms and abundance God has blessed America with, then let them learn to be an American. They should never be allowed to promote their national flag, while at the same time bashing the American flag. If they love their country, let them go back to their country. What is the matter with our leaders that they allow such things to go on and make excuses for such trashing of our American values and patriotism?

We see all these things going on, which altogether are eroding the foundation of our nation; our Constitution is being spit upon; many of our elected representatives, including the President, who took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution have shown their open contempt for this great document that this nation has lived by since its conception. As I indicated before, many groups are working through different methods to help maintain the rights and privileges we have; many are working together collectively to make their voices heard, and I have no problem using our collective voices to get the attention of our leaders, but if this is the only thing we have working for us, then it is not enough.

We must pray! We must seek the help of America’s only hope, and that is God. We must remember that there would be no freedom without the Lord Jesus Christ. It is upon the laws of God, and the liberty that we have in Christ Jesus that our nation was founded; that it is because we have forsaken our Great God, and have let the liberals get close to making it a crime to name the name of Jesus in public, that we are in the mess we are in. It takes more than pressuring the leaders, more than trusting in our collective voices, more than concern for our pocketbooks, more than concern for our children, or our healthcare, WE NEED TO BE CONCERNED about how we treated God; how we have taken Him from our school textbooks; taken His commandments from the walls of our public schools and public buildings, and slandered and blasphemed His Holy Name by comparing Him with Allah and the other false gods of the earth. One of His commandments to us is, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3). We Christians are as much or even more to blame than others, because we know better. Yet, we have slept and slumbered while the enemy has removed the Name of our Great God from almost every part of America. It is time to fall on our knees before the Almighty and plead for our nation, asking forgiveness for our terrible sins, and asking God to preserve America. Should we continue our battles on the other fronts as well? Sure, but not at the expense of forgetting God.

The redeemed of America need to remember to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. If our nation is preserved, it will not be at the expense of the gospel, but in co-operation with it by God’s wonderful grace. It is only the power of God through the gospel that changes hearts. May God bless and preserve America.

(Elder Mark C. Minney - The Pastor’s Corner - The Voice In The Wilderness - December, 2010)

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