Lesson 10

    Study Chapters eight and nine (8 &.9) of the Book entitled The Bible and Spiritual Criticism by A. T. Pierson.
    Questions on this lesson will be based on the following comments.

  Colossians 2:16-17, "Let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ."

Two Infallible Witnesses: Prophecy AND Typology

    Bible prophecy and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy is an indisputable proof of Divine inspiration of the Scriptures. In this lesson we call the second infallible witness to testify in behalf of this great truth and that second perjure-less witness is Biblical Typology. The study of prophecy and typology requires much time, application and the utmost carefulness. Because of these requirements, the Bible student who is inclined to be lazy forfeits the profit and blessings which the diligent student realizes from the study of these subjects.
    There are no areas in theology where there is more controversy among the true people of God than in these two branches. Yet, all agree to the truth that Bible prophecy and typology are witnesses which proclaim Divine inspiration of the Scriptures. These two witnesses cannot be contradicted, even when subjected to the Devil's most malicious and severest cross examination.
    In types, truth is taught in symbols, shadows, or pictures. Types are used by the Holy Spirit to point toward doctrine that is explicitly taught elsewhere in Scripture.
    Our text (Colossians 2:16-17) with which we began this lesson speaks of some of the old Jewish rituals and ceremonies and says they were "a shadow of things to come, but the body is of Christ." There cannot be a shadow unless there be a body or an object to cast the shadow.
    And, according to our text, Christ is the body which cast the shadows which we see in the Old Testament Scriptures.
    The passover lamb (Exodus 12) is a vivid type or shadow of the Lamb of God Who suffered for the sins of God's elect. The brazen serpent (Numbers 21:8-9) on a pole in the wilderness is a shadow cast by the cross of Christ raised on Calvary's hill. Thus, if we trace the shadow to its full length we will discover the object that it resembles or is the likeness of.

Spurious Spiritualizing Of Scripture

    The over-spiritualization of Scripture which is in vogue today is not a new practice. But it is and has always been detrimental to an honest study of the types and prophecies of God's Word. Spiritualization of Scripture is not wrong. That is, when Scripture can be more correctly understood by this method of interpretation. The hyper-spiritualizing of Scripture leads unavoidably to mis-interpretation and error. Many in the pulpit are victims of this Devilish delusion and are plying this method of interpretation with Scripture that allows for a literal interpretation only. There is much damage being done by men that assume undue liberty in their exegesis of Scripture, and hyper-spiritualization is one of the means which the Devil is using to further aggravate and compound the apostasy now sweeping over our land.
    The habit of hyper-spiritualizing Scripture is the result of indolence. It permits the would-be exegete to take the path of least resistance in his exegetical labors, and yet, provides him with a precocious interpretation that fits his most fanciful notion. It is not our desire to discourage proper spiritualization of Scripture, but hyper-spiritualization cannot be too strongly rebuked.

Comparing Scripture With Scripture = Key Of Interpretation

    We are taught in Scripture to recognize certain things as types and symbols, and the type is but the indistinct figure of the real. We might compare typical teaching to a door that grants access into a room which holds the secret to many of life's mysteries. But the door is locked and the key is not immediately in sight so we start looking for the key. We look first in the immediate area of the door; under the mat, over the door ledge, and in the mail box near the door. All this effort expended without success. Then the thought comes to re-read the letter which our beloved friend sent containing the invitation into this great room, because we remember the letter contained information that would direct us to the key. The student may refer to one commentary and then to another in his search for the key into the room of God's Truth, but until he prayerfully and diligently compares Scripture with Scripture, he will be locked out of the particular room he is seeking entrance to. Christ loves His people, and has graciously invited them into the room of His mysteries. That is, to know the deep truths of His Word. No follower of Christ need go outside of the Word of God to find the key. As the door is part of the room, so is the key. And anytime you come to the Scriptures and find the door locked, just remember, you have been invited by Him that eternally loves you and by Him that built the room. He has placed the key somewhere near the door to give you access into the room. You may have to look for it. You may not discover it right away. But you know the key is there and you further know if you continue to search for it, you will be able to cry out, Eureka!
    The Bible is the best commentary on the Bible and the child of God need not be locked out of any rooms. The Bible holds the keys by which the types may be correctly interpreted. Let us verify this truth by giving two brief examples:
    1. "For their rock is not as our Rock, even our enemies themselves being judges," (Deuteronomy 32:31).
    Where is the key that reveals to us what Moses refers to when he mentions the two different rocks of the text? There are many keys in Scripture which would unlock this door for us, but the one most conspicuous is; I Corinthians 10:4, "And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ."
    2. In the construction of the Tabernacle a veil was placed immediately before the mercy seat. When Christ was crucified the veil was rent in twain, from top to the bottom. What lesson is the child of God to learn from this? What is the veil a type of? Where is the key? The answer to these questions is found in Hebrews 10:20, "By a new and living way, which He hath consecrated for us, through the veil. That is to say, His flesh." The veil is a type of Christ's obedience unto death, wherein He suffered the tearing of His flesh.
    While there are many and varied types in the Word. of God, there is also an abundance of keys by which these types can be interpreted. God does not build a room, invite His beloved children into the room and then hide the key from them.
    Psalms 25:14, "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him; and He will show them His covenant."

Types And Their Anti Types

    Let us now resort in our study of types to that which we believe most glorifies God. That is, the salvation of hell deserving sinners. It is utterly impossible to believe that God is the Author and Finisher of His people's salvation, and at the same time disbelieve the truth of Divine inspiration of the Scriptures. In order to be consistent, both truths, salvation by the free and unmerited favor of God and the doctrine of Divine inspiration of the Scriptures must be part of faith's structure.
    Let us refer once again to that remarkable type found in chapter 12 of Exodus, the passover lamb. The sprinkling of the blood of the lamb on the right hand, left hand and upper door posts speaks plainly of the initial work of salvation, or in a word, "without shedding of blood is no remission." (Hebrews 9:22). And we might ask, "What is the initial benefit realized by the redeemed person?" Let us paraphrase that questions and ask, "What is the first thing a condemned sinner stands in desperate need of?" The answer is obvious. He needs deliverance from the righteousness and imminent judgment of God.
    Thanks be unto God. There is deliverance from that awful judgment, sweet deliverance freely bestowed on every person that repents of their sins and believes in the efficacy, of the blood of the Lamb. God distinctly says to enslaved Israel, "For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD. {13} And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt." (Exodus 12:12-13)  Israel was delivered from judgment that night because of the sprinkled blood of the sacrificial lamb. The blood which flowed from Israel's passover lamb that night in Egypt is a detailed type of the blood of God's Lamb which fifteen hundred years later was shed to deliver His people from eternal judgment.
    There is but one refuge from God's holy and just wrath; to be under the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. The blood must stand between the vile guilty sinner and the righteous indignation of God. The destroying, wrath of God will not touch the blood covered sinner. It is the blood of the everlasting covenant that wards off the fierce fires of everlasting destruction. The blood of Israel's passover lamb on the right and left hand door posts, on the lintel overhead and the basin of blood sitting on the floor at the bottom of the door is a vivid picture of the wrath bearing Saviour on Calvary's cruel cross. Israel's lamb speaks of the Saviour in shadows. Christ's hands outstretched and nail pierced, the crown of thorns perforating the blessed brow, and His nail pierced feet corresponds to, and gives us the anti type of Israel's lamb. In Christ on the cross we see the believer's safety zone, that is, behind or in the circle of the shed blood. It is either the blood of Christ abideth upon you or the "wrath of God abideth upon you," (John 3:36). It would seem that such an avalanche of typical detail that connects Israel's lamb and Calvary's Lamb would overwhelm and convince the most pronounced skeptic of the truth of the Divine inspiration of the Scriptures. But alas, it is not so, for the God of this world has an eternal blindfold over some hearts and minds.
    Let us conclude this lesson on a joyous and faith building note. Let us read I Peter 1:18-20, "Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you."
A-MEN and A-MEN.

Lesson - 10

    1. Who is the person our text for this lesson identifies as the one who cast the shadows of the Old Testament?

    2. What two subjects of Bible study, or what two branches of theology stand as irrevocable witnesses to the truth of Divine inspiration of Scriptures?

    3. Will God reveal truth to the student that willfully refuses to study the Bible?

    4. Types are used by the Holy Spirit to point toward what?

    5. What will the student find who traces the shadow to its full length?

    6. What will over-spiritualizing of Scripture lead to?

    7. Hyper-spiritualization of Scripture is a device of the devil, and is effective in promoting error. True or False?

    8. What is the student of the Word to do when he cannot immediately discern, or understand what the type teaches?

    9. What is the best commentary on the Bible?

    10. What was the veil in the Temple a type of?

    11. Who is the anti type of Israel's passover lamb?

    12. What is the initial benefit realized by the redeemed person?

    13. What is it that wards off the fierce wrath of God?

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