Lesson - 6

    Study chapters 1 and 2 of the book entitled The Bible and Spiritual Criticism by A. T. Pierson.
    The following comments are gleanings from the above mentioned two chapters. Read these comments. Questions on this lesson will be based on the following comments.

  Hebrews 1:1-3  "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, {2} Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; {3} Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;"
    What a great portion of Scripture to begin this lesson with! A single moments reflection on the great truths contained in this Scripture is enough to cause the weary saint to exclaim, "Alleluia, the Lord God omnipotent reigneth."

God Does The Speaking

    The grand and glorious thought in this text is; God is doing all the speaking. Behind the prophets words there was God. God spoke to the fathers through the medium of prophets. In these last days the same God has spoken unto us by His Son. So, the entire Bible is conjoined, and we are correct in referring to it as the Word of God. "God, Who at various times and in various ways spake ..." In giving us the Bible God used many men in writing it. Yet it has an inimitable style which will forever keep it from being lowered to the level of mere human composition. While human agency was employed in writing the Bible, behind this agency, and controlling every word was the infinite mind and power of God. "... God hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son ..." Thus we have the words of the prophets, and the words of the Son, and yet every word of Scripture "proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Christ said to the Father "... I have given unto them the words which Thou gavest Me ..." (John 17:8).
    The Father fully indwelt the Son. Every thought and every word that He spoke came from the Father. So much so that He is called "The Word of God" (John 1:14). There were forty or more writers of the Bible. God chose men from various cultures, and walks of life to write the Bible. But their words were not merely human words, but Divine utterances. Human lips spoke, and human fingers wrote, but the words they spoke and wrote were the words of God.

Pauline, Johannean, And Petrine Theology

    Some Moderns, and Neo-orthodox scholars talk a lot about Pauline Theology, Johannean Theology, and Petrine Theology. They speak as if the teachings of Paul, John and Peter is strictly their teachings, exclusive of Divine inspiration. There is nothing wrong in referring to Paul's teaching as "Pauline Theology" as long as we understand that Paul was a Divine mouthpiece and that his teachings originated with God. The same being true with Peter and John. It is their teaching in the sense they audibly spoke it, wrote it and was given a stewardship over it.
    The Modernist, under satanic influence, have often tried to set the doctrinal teachings of Paul against those of Peter. They have tried to set John over against Paul and Peter, and have tried to set the teachings of Paul, John and Peter against the teaching of Christ. But the three Apostles (Paul, John, Peter) were representatives of the One True God and Jesus Christ was God of very God.

Divine Architect

    The Bible is the product of Omniscient design and was Sovereignly superintended in its construction. In building a house, the contractor may have one man to do the plumbing and another the electrical work and another to do the masonry work, and yet another to do the carpenter work. He may have one man do the painting and another do the landscaping, etc., etc. Each is given a plan and works accordingly. They may not know much about the other's trade and they may not have ever seen the master plan and have no idea how the building will look when finished, but the architect knows. He drew up the plan.
    The Bible is one structure, perfectly complete. Many workers were employed in erecting this Divine structure, but there was one architect. Everything in the Bible (the original Manuscripts) was for infinite duration in the mind of God, before the first writer was ever born. The Bible was brought into being under the direct supervision of the Holy Spirit, "Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit," (II Peter 1:21).
    Of the forty or more writers of Scripture, not one was left to their own notions and thoughts as to what to write and teach. Not a single word entered the original Manuscripts apart from the generating and direction of the Holy Spirit. So, it is, throughout the entire Book, there is but ONE speaker and that ONE speaker is God.

Principles Of Scripture Interpretation

    Having affirmed from Scripture that the Bible is the very word of God and having been led by the Holy Spirit to receive the Bible as authoritative on all matters pertaining to faith and spiritual conduct, it follows then, that we should know as much as we can of the teachings of the Bible so as best regulate our time and lives on earth. Now, let me call your attention to one principle of interpretation which I believe will be beneficial in the study of God's word. It is the law of first mention.
    Let us remember what we are desirous of. That is to know as much as we can of the mind of God as revealed in Scripture. Any subject treated by the Spirit of God in the Word must be perfectly consistent with every other place where the same subject is dealt with in Scripture. Example: Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God ..." This is a type of forecast for the whole Bible, saying, "Every right beginning will have as its originator, God." Conviction of sin, faith, repentance, baptism, abandonment of evil, the recognition of God's authority over you, sanctification, and glorification. In all of these works man never takes the initiative. It is always, "In the beginning God."
   Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." The first mention of God in Scripture unmistakably declares God to be the Creator of the universe. Acts 15:18 "Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world." In this text we see that God is Omniscient, infinitely wise, having eternal and perfect understanding of all things and events. Let us ask some questions which are answered in the asking. Did God intend to create the world before He actually created it? Was there ever a time when God did not intend to create the world? Of course not. Let us note the resemblance of the truth of God's creatorship of the universe with the eternal election of His people unto salvation. Again we will use the question and answer method. Was it God that converted you? The saved person answers immediately and correctly, yes. Did the Lord intend to convert you before He actually did? Of course. Was there ever a time when the Lord did not intend to save you? Certainly not! To answer these two questions in the negative is to acknowledge the truth of Sovereign and eternal election.

First Direct Mention Of The Holy Spirit

   Genesis 1:2 "... and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." The word "moved" found in this text could have been correctly translated by the word "brooded". From this time on through the Old and New Testaments one chief aspect of the Spirit's work is that of brooding. That is, hovering over God's creation, bringing system and order out of chaos and confusion.
    The first mention of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament is in perfect harmony with the first reference to Him in the Old Testament. The Holy Spirit is first mentioned in the New Testament in connection with the virgin birth of Christ. The Angelic annunciation to Mary reads, "... The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee ..." (Luke. 1:35). Under the brooding power of the Holy Spirit the Lord Jesus was miraculously conceived in the womb of the virgin Mary.
    So it is, the Holy Spirit broods over God's elect, bringing them out of moral chaos and spiritual confusion. Then are they "Sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise," (Ephesians 1:13). What God has sealed no man can open, and the brooding seal of the Holy Spirit goes all the way around the Word of God. Having this truth in mind Paul writes, "The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned," (I Corinthians 2:14).

Lesson - 6

    1. Is it correct to refer to the Bible as, "The Word of God?" Write a brief paragraph qualifying your answer.

    2. Was any part of the original manuscripts of the Bible strictly of human origin? Cite a Scripture text which supports your answer.

    3. Copy and fill in the blanks, "There is nothing wrong in referring to Paul's teachings as "Pauline Theology," as long as we understand that Paul was a _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and that his teachings originated with _ _ _.

    4. The Bible is the product of omniscient design, perfect and complete. Who was the Master designer?

    5. Why is it we should know as much as we can about the teachings of the Bible?

    6. There is a principle of Bible interpretation which proves the absolute consistency of the whole of Scripture. What is that law or principle called?

    7. What does the first mention of God in Scripture declare God to be?

    8. Was there ever a time in the mind of God when He did not intend to create the world? Was there ever a time in the mind of God when He did not intend to save His people from their sins?

    9. What doctrine is acknowledged as Divine truth in answering question number 8 in the negative?

    10. What has been, and is yet one of the chief aspects of the Holy Spirit's work and what is the result?

    11. Can the natural man discern the things of the Spirit of God? Write a brief paragraph qualifying your answer.

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